Darcy Road Surgery - COVID-19 Vaccination
Darcy Road Surgery (DRS) has been an accredited provider of COVID-19 vaccination since the start of the Vaccination program in New South Wales.
Logistically, the practice has had to evolve and adapt to radical changes in patient health while maintaining patient safety. For this reason, we have dedicated a space for COVID-19 vaccinations - a separate building on the same premises as our main practice- which has allowed us to run vaccination clinics in line with Public Health regulations.
Today, in line with the demographics demand for vaccinations and the actual level of vaccinations at the state level, we have reduced our AstraZeneca clinics to once a week and ask patients to call us on 96883575 to book their AstraZeneca shot at Darcy Road Surgery.
Pfizer Comirnaty continues to be available through online bookings, for both existing and new patients, through 4 clinics per week. We regularly update our Pfizer availabilities and do so on a shorter term.
Please continue to check our website and book your shot!
For the team at DRS, we wish you the best in health as we continue to navigate this ever changing health environment!